[古典相機] 完成個人 M42 日德俄三國演義,Praktica MTL 50.1985
Praktica MTL 50 規格:Praktica 最後一台 M42 接環機身
生產公司:Kombinat VEB Pentacon Dresden
生產年份:1985.10 ~ 1989.12
閃燈同步速度:1/125 sec
ISO 設定:12 – 1600
自拍器速度:10 seconds
電池規格:PX 28 或 4LR44 (6V)
Praktica MTL 50 的測光系統的啟動按鈕即是景深預覽鈕,採用上下兩個三角形的 LED 顯示,當兩個三角的皆亮且亮度一致時為曝光正常值,而對焦屏則是三種都有(裂像、微菱、磨砂),手動對焦方便很多!
Praktica 機身在快門位置有其獨到的設計,據說這樣的設計讓快門觸動機構簡化,除了按壓上順手以外,也可以降低故障率。快門聲充滿德系的雄渾,很威!
真皮的覆皮除了顯得相當有質感以外,對於握持時的手感亦十分舒適,聞起來還留有皮革的氣味!而 ISO 值的設定一樣設計與快門速度設定鈕同一個位置 (與 Pentax SP-F 同),往上提即可設定 ISO 值。
網友 MTL 50 介紹好文:
單行道:我的新相機是老相機-Praktica MTL 50(外觀篇)
單行道:我的新相機是老相機-Praktica MTL 50(功能篇)
Praktica L Type Cameras (From: http://home-1.tiscali.nl/~ferdix/history2.htm)
Model | Meter | Electric Lenses | Comments | Year |
Praktica L | No | No | The basic model no meter | 1970 |
Praktica LLC | TTL | Yes | TTL metering. Full aperture metering with electric lenses | 1971 |
Praktica LTL | TTL | No | TTL metering. Step down metering | 1972 |
Praktica LB | Non TTL | No | Uncoupled, non TTL meter | 1972 |
Praktica VLC | TTL | Yes | LLC with removable viewfinder. Viewfinder compatible with Exakta RTL1000 | 1974 |
Praktica L2 | No | No | Improved Praktica L. Multi Coated lenses | 1975 |
Praktica LTL2 | TTL | No | Improved Praktica LTL. Multi Coated lenses | 1975 |
Praktica PLC2 | TTL | Yes | Improved Praktica LLC. Multi Coated lenses | 1975 |
Praktica VLC2 | TTL | Yes | Improved Praktica VLC. Multi Coated lenses | 1975 |
Praktica EE2 | TTL | Yes | Aperture priority with electric lenses. Top of the line camera. | 1977 |
Praktica MTL3 | TTL | No | Third generation LTL | 1978 |
Praktica PLC3 | TTL | Yes | Third generation LLC | 1978 |
Praktica VLC3 | TTL | Yes | Third generation VLC | 1978 |
Praktica EE3 | TTL | Yes | Same as EE2.Aperture priority with electric lenses. | 1978 |
Praktica MTL5 | TTL | No | Fourth(?) generation LTL | 1983 |
Praktica MTL5b | TTL | No | Fifth(?) generation LTL | 1985 |
Praktica MTL50 | TTL | No | Led information in the viewfinder. Otherwise the same as the MTL5b. The last of the screw mount Prakticas | 1985 |
本來有考慮了一下 Praktica PLC3,因為其支援半按快門測光,我又有一顆 Pentacon electric 135mm,想來試試,但因為 PLC3 的電池用的是 PX21,已停產了,網路上有人是用三顆 LR44 拼在一起 (4.5v),但因為高度會不夠,所以都會再加一點可導電的墊材,MTL50 所使用的電池 4LR44 容易取得,所以最後還是選擇 MTL50。另外,MTL5B 則是除了電池使用 LR44,測光系統與 MTL50 不同之外,其餘規格皆同。
註:Praktica PLC3 可以參考:http://www.praktica-collector.de/203_Praktica_PLC3.htm
Praktica MTL 50 & Pentax Spotmatic F
最後,針對日德兩台 M42 的銘機,做一個簡單的對照表如下:體型上,Pentax SP-F 秀氣,Praktica MTL50 豪氣,機身質感各擅勝場,整體來說 Praktica MTL50 的握感較佳,德系快門位置的設計提升不少拍攝的便利性,測光及按壓快門的動作,只須使用右手食指即可完成。
| |
快門速度 | B ~ 1/1000 | B ~ 1/1000 |
閃燈同步快門 | 1/125 | 1/60 |
ISO 設定範圍 | 12 – 1600 | 20 – 3200 |
自拍器速度 | 10 秒 | 6 – 12 秒 |
使用電池 | PX28 (6v) | PX625 (1.35v) |
測光啟動 | 按景深預覽鈕同時測光 | 開鏡頭蓋即測光 |
曝光指示 | LED | 指針式 |
合照:Pentax M42 集合
Pentax SP-F, Pentax S-M-C 28mm f3.5, Pentax S-M-C 50mm f1.4
合照:Praktica Pentacon M42 集合
Praktica MTL50, Pentacon auto 50mm f1.8 MC, Pentacon electric 135mm f2.8, Pentacon auto 29mm f2.8 MC, Pentacon 30mm f3.5
合照:Zenit M42 集合
Zenit 122, Zenit Helios 44m-7 58mm f2 MC, Zenit APO TELEZENITAR-M MC 135mm f2.8
大合照:M42 大集合
補充說明:History From Kamera-Werke to Pentacon
From: http://www.praktina.com/histkwe.htm
1919 - 1958 Kamera-Werke Logo | 1959 - 1963 Kamera-Werke Logo | 1964 - 1990 Pentacon Logo |
Kamera-Werkstätten Guthe and Thorsh GmbH (1919 – 1938)
The Kamera-Werkstätten was estabilished in 1919 by Paul Guthe and Benno Thorsch. In 1928 the production was moved to Bärensteiner Strasse 30, near the Ica-Werk of Zeiss Ikon AG. In 1930 the production exceeded the 100 cameras per day with 150 workers. The Company produced in the twenties and thirties interesting cameras like the Patent-Etui-Kamera in 1920, the Pilot 3x4 in 1931, the Pilot 6 in 1935 and the Pilot Super in 1939. At the end of 1937 Paul Guthe emigrated to Switzerland since as Jew he fears for one's life.
Kamera-Werkstätten, vormals Guthe and Thorsh (1938 )
In 1938 Benno Thorsch, before to emigrate to the USA since as Jew he fears for one's life, made a deal with Charles Adolf Noble. Benno Thorsch bought the Noble's Photocopy Company in Detroit, USA, and Charles A. Noble bought the Kamera-Werkstätten in Dresden.
Kamera-Werkstätten Charles A. Noble (1938-1946)
In 1939 Charles A. Noble moved the Company to Niedersedlitz, near Dresden, into the building of a former factory of drops and sweets . The Kamera-Werkstätten showed at the Leipzig fair, spring 1939, the Praktiflex, a design begun in 1937 with Benno Thorsch and the engineer Alois Hoheisel. This new and interesting camera was a 35mm Single Lens Reflex with fixed waist-level finder and interchangeable lens with 40mm thread mount.
The Kamera-Werkstätten produced 11.000 Praktiflex cameras from 1939 till the end of WWII in May 1945.
Kamera-Werkstätten VEB Niedersedlitz (1946-1948)
After the WWII Germany was divided in two zones with Dresden under the Soviet occupation. In 1946 Charles A. Noble lost the property of the Company that was nationalized by the German Government with the name VEB Kamera-Werkstätten Niedersedlitz.
MECHANIK Kamera-Werkstätten VEB Niedersedlitz (1948-1951)
In 1948 KW introduced the Praktica, the first camera with 42x1 thread mount. The design of this new camera was developed from the Praktiflex under the leadership of the young engineer Siegfried Boehm.
OPTIK Kamera-Werkstätten VEB Niedersedlitz (1951-1953)
In 1952 KW showed the prototype of a 35mm Single Lens Reflex named Praktina. This camera, designed by Siegfried Boehm, is the first example of a professional 35mm SLR camera system. The Praktina was the first camera to allow the interchangeability of lens, finder, focusing screen, camera back and with the capability to use an electric motor.
VEB Kamera-Werke Niedersedlitz (1953-1958)
In August 1953 the Company, at that time with more than 1000 employees, changed the name in VEB Kamera-Werke Niedersedlitz . In 1956 KW introduced the Praktisix, a 6x6 SLR camera with a fully automatic control of the lens diaphragm and interchangeability of screens and finders.
VEB Kamera- und Kinowerke Dresden (1959-1963)
In January 1959 the Company merged with Zeiss Ikon and others Dresden's Companies into the VEB Kamera- und Kinowerke Dresden and the "KW" logo was replaced with the "Zeiss Tower" logo. The production of Contax-Pentacon and Praktina cameras was discontinued after a short time on the basis of the decision to develop all the future SLR on the basis of the Praktica body.
VEB PENTACON DRESDEN Kamera- und Kinowerke (1964-1967)
In January 1964 the Company changed the name into VEB PENTACON DRESDEN Kamera- und Kinowerke. The production of Praktica cameras continued with several models including the Praktica mat of 1965 with TTL exposure control. In 1966 PENTACON presented the Pentacon Super, a top camera with TTL metering at full working aperture, metal-leaf focal-plane shutter for speeds to 1/2000 and 42x1 mount. This camera, used in Soviet space stations in 1969, was heir to the Praktina with the same professional features as the interchangeability of lens, finder, screen, back and the capability to fit a motor. In 1966 the Praktisix was replaced by the Pentacon six with minor improvements.
Kombinat VEB PENTACON DRESDEN (1968-1984)
With the combination of the Ihagee Kamerawerk the Company changed the name into Kombinat VEB PENTACON DRESDEN. The production of Praktica cameras continued with significant models as the Praktica PL Electronic of 1968 with electronic shutter and the Praktica B200 of 1979 with the 42x1 thread mount replaced after 30 years by the Praktica-bayonet mount.
With the combination of the Feinoptisches Werk Göerlitz the Company changed the name into VEB PENTACON DRESDEN. A new name appeared on some SLR: Jenaflex. The VEB Pentacon Dresden ceased the activity in 1990 after the reunification of Germany. Over 9 million of cameras with the name Praktica were produced from 1947 to 1990.
您好,我只有 MTL50,所以沒辦法一一檢視差異,但就網路上查到的資料,基本上就規格來說,三台都一樣。
MTL5: PX625(1.35v)
MTL5B: SR44, LR44(1.5v)
MTL50: 4LR44(6v)
MTL50 因為測光採用 LED 指示,所以電池不一樣,而 MTL5 所用的 PX625 已停產(因環保問題),可用 LR44 代用,雖電壓略高,不過應該不致影響測光。
回覆刪除MTL50 是我三台 M42 機身中,最中意的一台,無論是手感還是操控。
不過僅僅實拍過兩卷,很不認真,如果您有興趣可以參考我的 Flickr:
MTL50 vol.1
MTL50 vol.2
有過一台MTL 5B出售了,每次看到你這篇又很想再買台MTL 50回來試試,不過很少拍底片了啦。
刪除沒事好像只能把相機拿出來摸一摸然後放回去 >o<