From: Taiwan Photographers 網站有很多拍得很棒的作品,我原本是想在這裡學習別人的拍攝視野,後來也試著投稿! 原圖在文章最後,這是我在朱銘美術館室內,用 Panasonic LX3 拍的,配合透明的屋頂透下的光,讓這些空降奇兵神氣活現得很。 朱銘美術館很值得去走走哦!值得一提的是,入館的時候老婆正在生我的氣,抱著 Angel 不想跟我說話,但我還是處之泰然地拍攝照片,呵呵,心臟夠大顆! 如果你想入選 Taiwan Photographers 網站,請參考: ABOUT US Photographers: Are you interested in having your work featured here on Taiwan Photographers? There are several ways you can get involved. * Join our group on Flickr for a chance to be featured as one of our weekly photographers. * Join our fan page on Facebook. * Contact us if you would like to add your biography and a sample portfolio to our site. We require a short bio, a list of accomplished works, contact details and a variety of photos to illustrate your photographic style and scope. Note: You will need to format your photos for online use. We do not accept pictures wider than 550px. 我是加入 Flickr 的群組: Taiwan Photographers (分享區) 啦,希望以後還有機會入選更多照片哦!嘻嘻!