在看到國外的文章之前,我跟大家一樣,認為 35mm 的標準鏡就是 50mm,然而一般說法即為 50mm 的視角等於人類單眼的視角,因此定義 50mm 為標準鏡。 不過最近看到 theatre of noise 九月份有一篇文章:「 Which Medium Film Format? 」,裡頭提到 35mm Normal Lens (標準鏡) 的焦長應為 43mm,引發我對這個題目的興趣,因此在網路上找了一些資料,其中 wiki 有一篇 Normal Lens ,很完整,我想應該很有參考價值,大家可以看看。 (以下資料及表格來源皆為 wiki) 在攝影裡頭標準鏡的定義是:所拍攝的畫面,其鏡頭成像與人類在一般觀察條件下所見相同。 A lens that generates images that generally look "natural" to a human observer under normal viewing conditions , as compared with lenses with longer or shorter focal lengths. Lenses of shorter focal length are called wide-angle lenses , while longer focal length lenses are often referred to as telephoto lenses . 鏡頭焦長約等同於底片或感光元件尺寸之「對角線」,稱之為標準鏡。其視角約等於 53 度。 A lens with a focal length about equal to the diagonal size of the film or sensor format is known as a normal lens ; its angle of view is similar to the angle subtended by a large-enough print viewed at a typical viewing distance equal to the print diagonal; this angle of view is about 53 degrees diagonally. 那為什...