(圖片來源: chinese.vr-zone.com ,主要消息來源: sonyalpharumors ) 樓上那個圖片來源可以看到更多照片。 NEX-6 基本上緊挨著 NEX-7 的規格不能超越,比如說那個 EVF,就真的只跟 NEX-7 的 EVF (236萬 OLED) 解析度差一點點,Sony Rumors 寫 2359k,沒提到 OLED 這樣。 加入了一些 Sony 用來試市場水溫的東西,或者說是符合後 PC 時代需求的設計,比如說 WIFI 分享、手機遙控 APP 等等。 並且,跟 A99 一樣,改掉了從 Minolta 來的熱靴規格,所以標準熱靴還是終於一統江湖,Minolta 熱靴大概從此要進博物館了吧。 價錢的話,比 NEX-7 便宜,但也不算便宜很多,據說約 1000 鎂。 但其實比較有趣的是明年的計劃,據說會有 FF 的 EVIL 推出,乳摸貼下面,反正現在都是乳摸先看看就好。 (SR5) There will be not a new native E-mount Full Frame lens system! The cameras are E-A mount hybrid (and more…) The idea behind the E-mount FullFrame cameras is to be compatible with current E-mount lenses (in crop mode) with A-mount lenses (with special adapter) and very important, having an E-mount with Full Frame sensor (instead of a mirrorless A-mount) will allow you to use almost any kind of lens on the camera. There are also multiple FF mirrorless prototypes I heard of….some with E and some with A mount. But One native E-mount FullFrame camera is coming for sure!