
在看到國外的文章之前,我跟大家一樣,認為 35mm 的標準鏡就是 50mm,然而一般說法即為 50mm 的視角等於人類單眼的視角,因此定義 50mm 為標準鏡。

不過最近看到 theatre of noise 九月份有一篇文章:「Which Medium Film Format?」,裡頭提到 35mm Normal Lens (標準鏡) 的焦長應為 43mm,引發我對這個題目的興趣,因此在網路上找了一些資料,其中 wiki 有一篇 Normal Lens,很完整,我想應該很有參考價值,大家可以看看。

(以下資料及表格來源皆為 wiki)


A lens that generates images that generally look "natural" to a human observer under normal viewing conditions, as compared with lenses with longer or shorter focal lengths. Lenses of shorter focal length are called wide-angle lenses, while longer focal length lenses are often referred to as telephoto lenses.

鏡頭焦長約等同於底片或感光元件尺寸之「對角線」,稱之為標準鏡。其視角約等於 53 度。

A lens with a focal length about equal to the diagonal size of the film or sensor format is known as a normal lens; its angle of view is similar to the angle subtended by a large-enough print viewed at a typical viewing distance equal to the print diagonal; this angle of view is about 53 degrees diagonally.


那為什麼一般都是選用 50mm 做為標準鏡呢?最早是由 Leica 開始把焦長 50mm 稱為標準鏡,而日系廠商沿用。

Oskar Barnack (Leica Camera 的設計者) 選用 50mm 的原因, 是以當時的鏡頭科技, 認為設計成略長焦長的鏡頭可以達到最佳的清晰度, 於是在理論值 43mm 與求得良好清晰度之間所做的妥協。

The 50 mm focal length was chosen by Oskar Barnack, the creator of the Leica camera, as a compromise between the theoretical value and good sharpness, as lens technology at the time was such that slightly longer focal lengths were able to achieve optimum sharpness.

另外關於視角, wiki 還有一篇:Angle of view,公式理論一堆,目前還看不懂,先截取表格如下:


FA_43mmF1.9在還沒全部都懂之前,大概可以說,一般各家所出的標準鏡,是以接近人類觀察視野做為讓大家能夠懂的定義,然而正確或說絕對的標準鏡定義,應該是鏡頭將影像投映於底片或感光元件時,各影像的比例與真實影像最接近,wiki 上用的是 「Natural」 這個字眼。


最後不忘提一下 Pentax 的大公主:FA 43mm F1.9 Limited,是全世界唯一一支,以焦距等於底片對角線尺寸,真正意義上的標準鏡頭所設計的自動對焦鏡頭。雖然 FA 鏡全面漲價了,但我現在想去搞一顆 43 LE 來了!



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