Sony Rumors,多了一片透鏡,SLT-A77
該篇除了提到 A750 會用傳統 SLR 設計 (光學觀景窗基本教義派可以放心了),另外也提到了 A77 會多一片鏡子,這樣子的改變主要是可以讓原來下面的鏡子傳上來的 30% 光線,再加上上面的鏡子處理出來的 70% 光線,還原成 100% 的光線最後傳到 EVF 給你看,應該可以讓 EVF 看起來更像真的,但其實還是假的對吧?(最後一句是說給光學觀景窗基本教義派聽的。)
解決這個問題究竟重不重要呢?光學觀景窗基本教義派還是不會買帳的我覺得,所以先把過熱的問題搞定吧!要不然還是認真的把從去年底就有風聲的 A750 做得有聲有色一點唄!
“Yesterday Sony explained the new system that will be used for the incoming a77 (the a750 will use a regular SLR design). Practically the are using two semi-transparent mirrors and a high-resolution EVF to reinforced the live image. They are using a reflexive technology design called 70/30, between each semi-transparent mirrors. The final image in the viewfinder will have 30% of original image and 70% of electronic reinforced image through the new EVF.”